Public lecture by Pr. Bertrand Meyer, 2nd of February 2017

Call them bugs, call them security vulnerabilities, or use any other euphemism: software errors are the plague of information technology and -- most catastrophically -- of the Internet.
There have always been bugs -- so goes the conventional wisdom -- and there will always be. Do you think so too? In reality, the technology of program verification has made major strides in recent years, opening the prospect of software that comes out of the production line equipped with a warranty of correctness, in the form of a mechanically verified mathematical proof.
This lecture, aimed at a broad audience and assuming no specific prerequisites, surveys the verification techniques available today, their applications, and the challenges that remain to be addressed on the road to ensuring that, one day, all programs will be bug-free.
Thursday 2nd of February, from 6 to 8 p.m
Grand Auditorium Université Paul Sabatier