Partnerships with the industry

The LabEx has organised and will keep organising events with industrial partners either in the context of thematic semesters or in collaboration with other partners such as the AMIES LabEx, Toulouse Tech Transfer or the Digital Place cluster.

Here a few examples of events which have been organised so far:

  • A “Journée industrielle des Technologies de l’Image” (Image Technology for the industry) was organised at the end of the thematic trimester on Image Processing in November 2013.
  • Many events around the Big Data (October 2013, October and November 2014) were organised together with the AMIES LabEx. These days were an opportunity for academics and industrials to meet up and exchange on issues around Big Data.
  • Participation to various events with the AMIES LabEx such as “IT Days”, or meetings with industrial partners organised by the Digital Place cluster.
  • The forthcoming semester on Machine Learning in the fall 2015 will include meetings with industrials.

If you are an industrial and would like to receive more information on CIMI scientific actions, please send us an e-mail at
