Science promoting events


The LabEx training programme includes a number of outreach and awareness actions aimed at the general public.

Public lectures are organised during thematic semesters or during the invitations of scientific experts or Excellence Chairs. A conference on “Mathematics and Magic Tricks” was thus organised by P. Diaconis in May 2014 as part of his six month visit as a CIMI Excellence Chair. It attracted around 450 people (high school and university students, researchers, teachers,…).

Another conference for a general audience will be given by J. Dongarra and S. Matsuoka on 2nd of July 2015 at the ENSEEIHT main auditorium as part of the High Performance Computing thematic semester.

Over the year 2014, the CIMI has supported numerous dissemination projects:

  • The “Tournoi  français des jeunes  mathématiciens” (TFJM) supporting high school students from the Lycée Fermat to participate to the national final in Paris.
  • The “Journées  Maths et Filles” (Girls and Maths day) which took place in Toulouse (December 2014).
  • The “Maths en Jeans” days (April 2014), which are organised to help young students discover mathematics and research.
  • The “Fermat Science” association which popularizes mathematics through the life and the house of the French mathematician Pierre Fermat.


Pr. P. Diaconis, Stanford University.

"Mathematics and Magic Tricks" conference,  May 2014
