Post-doctoral Fellowships

CIMI LabEx offers four to seven post-doctoral positions to be filled as from 1st of October 2021.
The positions are funded for two years and co-financed fundings are welcome.

The research areas should be developed within the activities at the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse (IMT), the Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT) and the teams ROC, SARA, MAC, TSF and VERTICS of the Laboratoire d'analyse et d'architecture des systèmes (LAAS). 

Positions are open to holders of a doctorate in mathematics or computer science obtained in France or in a foreign country. Offers are not theme-based and all mathematical and computer science disciplines are welcome. The selection will be based on excellence in scientific accomplishment and the quality of the scientific project. Interactions between mathematics and computer science will be closely examined.

Eligibility criteria:

Positions are open to holders of a doctorate in mathematics or computer science obtained by 30th of September 2021 at the latest either in France or in a foreign country Offers are not theme-based and all mathematical and computer science disciplines are welcome. The selection will be based on excellence in scientific accomplishment and the quality of the scientific project. Interactions between mathematics and computer science will be closely examined.

The scientific project must have been written up together with member(s) of either IMT, IRIT, LAAS.

The CIMI LabEX applies an equal opportunity policy in recruitment.

Work contract conditions:

Each post-doctoral fellow will receive a net salary starting from €2121 per month and thus benefit from health insurance and social coverage.
 (S)he will participate to the scientific activities of the laboratory, in particular to seminars and working groups.

At the end of his/her tenure, each of the selected candidates will write a report on his /her scientific accomplishment, comparing it to his/her initial project and describing his/her subsequent objectives.


Application process:


Applicants must be able to provide the following documents :

  1. A curriculum vitae with the list of publications
  2.  A motivation letter
  3. The proposed scientific project (around 2 pages)
  4. Two detailed recommendation letters
  5. A detailed letter of support from your scientist/tutor at the host institution. This letter will have to justify how the applicant’s scientific project fits in the host project.

    Please do not forget to mention the e-mail address of the professors wishing to send recommendation letters. They will receive an automatic e-mail to upload their letter. The letters have to be send before Friday 19th of February 2021.

  6. Where appropriate, a proposal for co-financing

Please do not forget to mention the e-mail address of the professors wishing to send recommendation letters. They will receive an automatic e-mail to upload their letter.


Please note that the applicant is responsible for making sure his application is complete prior to the closing date. Fully completed applications only will be examined.

Selection process :
Fellowships applications will be examined by the LabEx CIMI Executive Committee and Prospective Committee. Grants will be awarded on the basis of the quality of the academic records.




  • Federico LO BIANCO (maths)
  • Samir SALEM (maths)


  • Nasrine DAMOUCHE (computer science)


  • Jorge Fandino garcia (computer science)
  • Franziska KUHN (maths)
  • Arthur RENAUDINEAU (maths)
  • Arti YARDI (computer science)
  • Seyed Hamed ZAKERZADEH (maths)
  • Manu Kumar GUPTA (computer science)


  • André BELOTTO DA SILVA (maths)
  • Cristobal QUININAO (maths)
  • Nadine ABURUMMAN (computer science)
  • Petar ILIEV (computer science)
  • Tristan BENOIST (maths)


  • Assalé ADJE (computer science)
  • Bérénice DELCROIX-OGER (maths-computer science)
  • Martin DIEGEZ (computer science)
  • Van Hoang NGUYEN (maths)
  • Junyi XIE (maths)



  • Thomas DREYFUS (maths)
  • Timo JOLIVET (maths)



  • Benedikt AHRENS (computer science)
  • Bertrand CLOEZ (maths)