International Exchanges

One of CIMI main objectives is to contribute to the development of international partnerships and exchanges in mathematics and computer science.

CIMI supports different types of international mobility actions as part of its sientific programme :

An attractive offer of excellence fellowships available to French and foreign students. The programme includes Master level, doctoral and post-doctoral-fellowships.

CIMI will also provide financial support to joint supervision PhD thesis.


Financial support to CIMI members going abroad on long term periods as part of a scientific project :

CIMI will provide international mobility support to IMT and IRIT members going abroad for a minimum of 3 months.

The financial support will vary according to the host country.

To apply please click here


Funding to support education actions abroad and encourage international students exchanges :

CIMI will provide funding to education projects abroad contributing to the development of mathematics and computer science.

It will encourage local professors and PhD students to go abroad and set up teaching activities as well as welcome initiatives to have foreign students coming to Toulouse for M2 internships.

Those actions will reinforce existing international collaborations between IMT, IRIT and foreign countries such as Vietnam, India or South America.

International partnerships

French-Cuban partnership with Havana University as part of the Maestria and Applied Mathematics Master course cooperation


French-Vietnamese Vinastat project of cooperation in statistics and stochastic modelling


French-Indo partnership as part of the IFCAM (Indo-French Centre for Applied Mathematics) which is an international joint research unit based in Bangalore
