Thematic Semester on Mathematic and Computer Science in Biology



Computer Science and mathematics proposes paradigms which are nowadays fully integrated in life science reseach. Cross fertilization beween disciplines offers new opportunities and allows to explore new research paths. This thematic semester, proposed by CIMI, will explore several aspects of these relationships.



This thematic semester is proposed by IRIT and IMT in coordination with other local actors  (INSERM, INRA, ITAV, Oncopole, ...). It is split into two major axes: data science and modeling.





Main events

General Events Opening conference
Autumn School: Practical sessions for students
Movie / debat
Intervention during the "l'Humain Demain" event at Quai des savoirs
Final session
Scientific conferences Data-Science Workshop: Bioinfo/Biostats
Conference: Statistics and Health
Symposium sur l'Ingénierie de l'Information Médicale (SIIM)
Meeting: Medical Information, Information Retrieval and Data Science
Workshop: Post-Selection Inference and Multiple Testing
Stockage, traitement de données à grande échelle en biologie-santé
Modeling and Simulations Conference: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Deterministic and Stochastic Models
Winter School: Deterministic and Stochastic Models in Neurosciences
In silico Biology: Simulating processes from embryogenesis to morphogenesis



The semester takes place from the 18th of September 2017 to the 15th of February 2018. For more informations on the events (program, registration, organizers,...) please look at the dedicated page.

Opening conference 18/09/2017
Autumn School: Practical sessions for students 18-22/09/2017
Conference: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Deterministic and Stochastic Models 09-13/10/2017
Symposium: Ingénierie de l'Information Médicale (SIIM) 23-24/11/2017
Symposium: Deep Learning and simulation for life sciences march 2018
Movie - Debate 08/02/2018
Winter School: Deterministic and Stochastic Models in Neurosciences 11-15/12/2017
Stockage, traitement de données à grande échelle en biologie-santé 9-10/01/2018
Conference: Statistics and Health 11-12/01/2018
Workshop : Bioinformatic / Biostats 17-19/01/2018
Intervention during the "l'Humain Demain" event at Quai des savoirs 08/02/2018
Workshop: Post-Selection Inference and Multiple Testing 07-09/02/2018
Meeting: Medical Information, Information Retrieval and Data Science 08-09/02/2018
Closure conference  / Debriefing 15/02/2018