Winter School on Deterministic and Stochastic Models in Neuroscience

General Registration 

Registration for the conference is free but mandatory. Please use the following adress to send your name, institute and mail adress. Lunches and a diner buffet will be covered by the conference. 

Students Registration for financial support is now closed 

The registration for a financial support for students is closed. The selected students for the financial support will be notified very soon. 


 11-15 December 2017.


Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, Amphitheater Laurent Schwartz, Building 1R3


The main objective of this event is to organise a winter school around stochastic and deterministic models arising in neuroscience by providing a series of lectures given by internationally reknown speakers for a broad audience (graduate students, PhD students, Postdoctorates, researchers and professors) along with specific research talks. This winter school will showcase some recent and ongoing modeling problems in neuroscience with a strong emphasis on the stochastic and deterministic methods developped to treat them. There will be two lectures dedicated to stochastic methods and two for deterministic ones. The research talks will complement and enlarge these courses with for example topcis on neural field equations, numerical methods or kinetic models of neuronal networks. 

Key words

Proba/PDE -- neuronal dynamics -- mean-field -- modeling 


Here is the schedule and the program with abstracts of the lectures and talks (PDF).

Invited speakers

Research courses (3 times 1h30)

Talks (1h)


  • Eric Agius (Uniersity of Toulouse 3)
  • Daniele Avitabile (University of Nottingham)
  • Benjamin Aymard (Inria Sophia Antipolis)
  • Berry Bakker (Vrije Universitat Amsterdam)
  • Dominique Bontemps (University of Toulouse 3)
  • Zoe Bright (University of Exeter)
  • Hugo Bringuier (University of Toulouse 3)
  • Patrick Cattiaux (University of Toulouse 3)
  • Bruno Cessac (Inria Nice Sophia-Antipolis)
  • Tushar Chauhan (University Toulouse 3)
  • Julien Chevallier (University Grenoble Alpes)
  • Abigail Cocks (University of Nottingham)
  • Quentin Cormier (Inria Sophia Antipolis)
  • Manon Costa (University of Toulouse 3)
  • Joachim Crevat (University of Toulouse 3)
  • Jennifer Crodelle (Courant Institute, NYU)
  • Diana Danicu (Heidelberg University)
  • François Delarue (University of Nice)
  • Fanny Delebecque (University of Toulouse 3)
  • Komla Domelevo (University of Toulouse 3)
  • Christèle Etchegaray (University of Toulouse 3)
  • Eve Fabre (ISAE Supaero)
  • Grégory Faye (University of Toulouse 3)
  • Lauric Ferrat (University of Exeter)
  • Marina Ferreira (Imperial College London)
  • Susely Figueroa Iglesias (University of Toulouse 3) 
  • Ludovic Gardy (University of Toulouse 3)
  • Yuxin Ge (University Toulouse 3)
  • Abed Ghanbari (University of Connecticut)
  • Sven Goedeke (University of Bonn and FIAS)
  • Pascal Helson (Inria Sophia Antipolis)
  • Manu Kalia (Heinrich University Duesseldorf and University of Twente)
  • Zachary Kilpatrick (University of Colorado Bolder)
  • Karina Kolodina (Norwegian University of Life Sciences)
  • Elif Köksal Ersöz (Inria Sophia Antipolis)
  • Jakub Kopal (University of Toulouse 3)
  • Carlo Laing (Massey University NZ)
  • Philippe Laurençot  (University of Toulouse 3)
  • Stefan Le Coz (University of Toulouse 3)
  • Alexis Leculier (University of Toulouse 3)
  • Eva Löcherbach (University of Cergy)
  • Anna Melnykova (University of Cergy)
  • Nadège Merabet (University of Toulouse 3)
  • Muriel Mescam (University of Toulouse 3)
  • Laurent Miclo (University of Toulouse 3)
  • Sepideh Mirrahimi (University of Toulouse 3)
  • Simon Moisselin (University of Toulouse 3)
  • Alexandre Montlibert (University of Toulouse 3)
  • Alberto Pérez Cervera (UPC Barcelona)
  • Angélique Perrillat-Mercerot (University of Poitiers)
  • Sammy Petros (University of Nottingham)
  • Noemi Picco (University of Oxford)
  • Jason Pina (University of Pittsburgh)
  • Cristobal Quininao (University O-Higgins - Chili)
  • Pierre Roux (University Paris Sud)
  • Delphine Salort (University Pierre et Marie Curie)
  • Marco Segneri (Université de Cergy)
  • Mariia Shabalina (University of Toulouse 3)
  • Danish Shaikh (University of Southern Denmark)
  • Lisa Sieurac (University of Toulouse 3) 
  • Gheorghe Sigan (Politehnica University of Timisoara)
  • Galina Skarga (North Caucasus Federal University)
  • Emilie Soret (Inira Sophia Anitpolis)
  • Wilhelm Stannat (TU Berlin)
  • Charline Tessereau (University of Nottingham)
  • Léonard Torossian (INRA Toulouse and University of Toulouse 3) 
  • Romain Veltz (Inria Nice Sophia-Antipolis)
  • Sydney Willimas (Linnaeus University - Sweden)
  • Weronika Wojtak (University of Minho)


Patrick Cattiaux & Grégory Faye
