In silico Biology: Simulating processes from embryogenesis to morphogenesis

Registration :

Registration to attend the conference is now open. Please note that the registration is free but mandatory.

The dateline for registration is on March 18th 2018.

Register now

Location : Université Paul Sabatier, Institut de Récherche en Informatique de Toulouse, amphithéâtre Herbrand 


Call for submissions :

1-page abstract submissions to the symposium are welcome in order to be presented during the event. Submissions consist in a short abstract to evaluate the adequation of the proposed work with the symposium theme. Accepted submissions will be presented during the event with a short talk and/or a poster exposed during the whole day.

The deadline for abstract submission is on March 18th 2018.

Submitting a paper

Date of the event : 28 March 2018

Modeling biological phenomena have nowadays received more and more attention from biologists. Even though designing realistic models is still a long and complex process, models help biologists in many ways: during their development, modelers asks naive questions about the biological process, questions that can be of interest to deeply understand the studied system ; when developed, the model can be used first to fully understand all the underlying processes of the studied system by giving access to tools, data and visualization impossible to acquire in a biology lab ; once finalized, models can be used as a tool to predict experiments, optimize protocols, etc.

In this workshop, computational models applied to a wide range of applications in biology, from the embryogenesis to the morphogenesis of living beings, organs and tissues, will be presented. Invited speakers from France and abroad will present their work in this area of expertize. Submitted work on simulation and modeling of biological processes (of any kind) are welcome and will be considered for oral and/or poster presentations.

Organizers :

S. Cussat-Blanc, Assitant Professor, University Toulouse Capitole, IRIT CNRS UMR 5505, ITAV CNRS UMS3505
E. Faure, Researcher, IRIT CNRS UMR5505
H. Luga, Professor, University Toulouse Jean Jaures, IRIT CNRS UMR 5505

Invited speakers (confirmed):
Jonathan Pascalie, Researcher, IRIT, France
Patrick Lemaire, Research Director, CRBM, France
Eugenio Azpeitia, Post-doctoral research fellow, INRIA Lyon, France 
Andreas Knote, Post-doctoral research fellow, Wurzburg University, Germany
Andreas Deutsch, Professor, Head of Center of Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH)

Tentative Schedule:
08:30 - 09:00    Welcome and coffee
09:00 - 09:45    Invited talk 1: J.Pascalie
09:45 - 10:30    Invited talk 2: P. Lemaire
10:30 - 11:00    Coffee break
11:00 - 12:00    Short talks
12:00 - 13:30    Lunch and posters
13:30 - 14:15    Invited talk 3: E. Azpeitia
14:15 - 15:00    Invited talk 4:  A. Knote
15:00 - 15:30    Coffee break
15:30 - 16:15    Invited talk 5: Andreas Deutsch
16:15 - 17:00    Round table and symposium conclusion

Coffee breaks and lunch are supported by the organization.
