Conference: Ecology and evolutionary biology, deterministic and stochastic models




The goal of this conference is to bring together a group of mathematicians and theoretical biologists to discuss the recent developments in the mathematical modeling of phenomena from ecology and evolutionary biology. Specifically, some of the topics that we have in mind are invasion processes, time/space heterogeneous environments, age structure, impact of global changes, emergence of resistance.



From the 9th to the 13th of october 2017.


Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, Amphithéâtre Laurent Schwartz, Bâtiment 1R3.



9h15-10h COFFEE R. Martinez-Garcia V. Bansaye H. Berestycki N. Champagnat
10h-10h45 B. Perthame S. Méléard O. Ronce J. Chave T. Parsons
11h15-12h S. de Monte A. Lam W. Rodriguez M. Lewis T. Day
12h-12h45 A. Veber F. Massol R. Bürger C. de Mazancourt  
12h45-14h15 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
14h15-15h S. Lion I. Alger   M. Holzer  
15h-15h45 O. Diekmann F. Débarre   S. Billiard  
16h15-17h E. Schertzer G. Raoul   V.C. Tran  



The schedule and the program with abstracts of the talks will be given soon. Each talk will last 45 minutes (35min + 10min for questions).

Invited speakers

Summary file with abstracts



Registration for the conference is free but mandatory. Please use the following adress to send your name, institute and mail adress.

  • Abu Awad Diala
  • Aguilée Robin
  • Alfaro Matthieu
  • Alger Ingela
  • Ainseba Bedr'Eddine
  • Bansaye Vincent
  • Barbier Matthieu
  • Belotto da Silva André
  • Berestycki Henry
  • Billard Sylvain
  • Boitard Simon
  • Bürger Reinhard
  • Carvajal-Quintero Juan D.
  • Cattiaux Patrick
  • Champagnat Nicolas
  • Chave Jérôme
  • Chichirri de Carvalho Filipe
  • Civerel Laure
  • Clo Josselin
  • Coron Camille
  • Costa Manon
  • Crevat Joachim
  • Day Troy
  • De Mazancourt Claire
  • De Monte Silvia
  • Débarre Florence
  • Delebecque Fanny
  • Diekmann Odo
  • Dinetan Lee
  • Dridi Slimane
  • Duneau David
  • Ervedoza Sylvain
  • Etchegaray Christèle
  • Faye Grégory
  • Fehrenbach Jérôme
  • Gandon Sylvain
  • Garnier Jimmy
  • Haegman Bart
  • Heeb Philippe
  • Holzer Matt
  • Ignat Radu
  • Lam King-Yeung(Adrian)
  • Latutrie Mathieu
  • Laurençot Philippe
  • Leculier Alexis
  • Leman Hélène
  • Lewis Mark
  • Lion Sebastien
  • Marin Sara
  • Martinez Patrick
  • Martinez-Garcia Ricardo
  • Massol François
  • Mazet Olivier
  • Méléard Sylvie
  • Melnykova Anna
  • Mirrahimi Sepideh
  • Montagnon Pierre
  • Oçafrain William
  • Paris Cyriel
  • Parsons Todd
  • Patout Florian
  • Pédèches Laure
  • Pellerin Félix
  • Pena Jorge
  • Perthame Benoit
  • Pinchon Didier
  • Pineau Maxime
  • Raoul Gaël
  • Rau E-Ping
  • Rodriguez Willy
  • Ronce Ophélie
  • Schertzer Emmanuel
  • Shabalina Mariia
  • Shabani Beniada
  • Simatos Florian
  • Smadi Charline
  • Tran Viet Chi
  • Tran Khai
  • Trescases Ariane
  • Van de Paer Céline
  • Veber Amandine
  • Wahl Lindi


Practical informations

You find here a list of restaurant in the center of Toulouse.



Robin Aguilée, Manon Costa, Grégory Faye, Sylvain Gandon, Sepideh Mirrahimi.
