Série de conférences par M. Kilgour, Professeur Université Wilfrid Laurier, Waterloo

10-31 mai 2016

Le LabEx CIMI reçevra en qualité d’expert scientifique pour la deuxième année en mai 2016 le professeur Marc Kilgour de l'Université Wilfrid Laurier,Waterloo, en collaboration avec le professeur Pascale Zaraté de l’équipe ADRIA de l’IRIT,

Le professeur M. Kilgour donnera deux conférences les 10 et 31 mai 2016.



  • Conference 1:   10 Mai  2016 – 12:30-14:00 – Manufacture des Tabacs – Salle ME 303

               Maximin Envy-Free Division of Indivisible Items, Steven J. Brams, D. Marc Kilgour, and C. Klamler

Assume that two players have strict rankings over an even number of indivisible items. We propose algorithms to find allocations of these items that are maximin—maximize the minimum rank of the items that the players receive—and are envy-free and Pareto-optimal if such allocations exist. We show that neither maximin nor envy-free allocations may satisfy other criteria of fairness, such as Bordamaximinality. We assess the applicability of the algorithms to real-world problems, such as allocating marital property in a divorce or assigning people to committees or projects.


  • Conference 2: 31 Mai 2016 – 10:00-12:00 – Université Paul Sabatier – IRIT – Auditorium Herbrand

            Electing  Representatives, D. Marc Kilgour

As with many collective decisions, a group of people that wants to select some representatives may conduct an election to make its decision. What could go wrong?  Elections—major and minor—occur every day, and while there are academic controversies about procedures, at least there has been extensive study. But the elections that are most common and best understood are those that produce a single winner. When a set of representatives is to be elected, a multi-winner election is almost unavoidable, yet there is no accepted methodology for conducting and assessing such a contest. This presentation describes the situation, recommends some procedures, and discusses their properties, including fairness and representativeness.

Pr. Marc Kilgour, Université Wilfried Laurier, Toronto

M. Kilgour est professeur de mathématiques et de la conception technique des systèmes à l'université Wilfrid Laurier, Toronto.

Il est également directeur de recherche: Analyse du conflit, Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies - Université Wilfrid Laurier.


Ses sujets de recherche principaux sont:

  • Game theory
  • Decision theory
  • Operations research and mathematical modeling
  • Probability theory and theory of statistics
  • Negotiation and negotiation support
  • Environmental management

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Pr. M. Kilgour
