Conférence: Statistique et Santé

Dates :

11-12 January 2018.

Location :

Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse.

Keynote Speakers :

Michael Kosorok - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA.

Eric Laber - University of North Carolina, Raleigh, USA.

Erica Moodie - Mc Gill University, Montréal, Canada.

Georgiy Bobashev - RTI, North Carolina, USA.


Keywords :

Personalized Medicine - Big Data


Program :

Day 1 : Personalized Medicine - Organised by Cancéropôle GSO – SMAC group

9h15 Welcome and Introduction of the workshop

Nicolas Savy - Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, Toulouse, France.

9h30 Inferential challenges in machine learning and precision medicine

Michael Kosorok - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA.

10h45 Coffee Break

11h15 Semiparametric Thompson sampling with application to e-and m-health

Eric Laber - University of North Carolina, Raleigh, USA.

12h30 Lunch

14h00 An introduction to SMART designs

Erica Moodie - Mc Gill University, Montréal, Canada.

15h15 MULTIPLI Program

Carine Bellera - Institut Bergonié, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Bordeaux, France.

16h00 Cofee Break

16h30 Use of mathematical modeling for accelerating and personalizing clinical trials.

Rodolphe Thiébaut - Inria, Inserm, Bordeaux, France.

17h15 Use of pharmacological models for personalized medicine.

Julie Bertrand - Inserm, Paris, France.

18h00 Round Table

18h30 End of the first day.


Day 2 : Big Data / Knowledge building - Organised by Région Midi-Pyrénées – Big Data Project and CNRS - BIDASA project


9h15 Modeling of the data, with the data, and instead of the data.

Georgiy Bobashev - RTI, North Carolina, USA.

10h30 Cofee Break

11h00 Big Data versus Data Re-use – example of patients recruitment modelling

Nicolas Savy - Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, Toulouse, France.

11h45 On the use of optimal transportation to merge databases

Valérie Garès -  INSA de Rennes, Rennes, France.

12h30 Predicting is not explaining": From data to action and retroaction - experience from clinical legal medicine

Thomas Lefèvre - ISIS, EHESS, Paris, France.

13h15 Lunch

15h20 Different points of view on  the question "Is Big Data in health a myth or a Reality ?"  : Short coms (~10’)

Opening : Sébastien Déjean (Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse)

Philippe Besse (Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse)

Nicolas Bousquet (Quantmetry)

Felipe Guerrero (CHU de Toulouse)

Michael Kosorok (UNC)

Sébastien Marque (Capionis)

- Bertrand Monthubert (Région Midi-Pyrénées)

Emmanuel Pham (IPSEN)

Emmanuelle Rial- Sebag (INSERM U 1027)

17h00 Round table

18h00 Closing caffee break

18h30 End of the conference.


Registration :

There are no fees but registration is mandatory. Deadline for registration is December 20th.

Registration is now open

Limited to 80 persons

Scientific Comitee :

Nicolas Savy - Sébastien Déjean - Philippe Saint-Pierre

Personalized Medicine : Mélanie Prague - Michael Kosorok - Members of SMAC group of « GSO Cancéropole »

Big Data : Thierry Lang - Chloé Dimeglio - Valérie Garès

Local Organization Comitee :

Sébastien Déjean - Toulouse Institute of Mathematics
Chloé Diméglio - Inserm Unit 1027, Toulouse
Céline Bougel - Inserm Unit 1027, Toulouse
Philippe Saint-Pierre - Toulouse Institute of Mathematics
Nicolas Savy - Toulouse Institute of Mathematics

Contact : 

Nicolas SAVY - nicolas.savy [at]
