Thematic School on Quasi isometric rigidity

This 3-week summer school will survey central results concerning quasi-isometric rigidity and classification of groups and spaces, as well as explain the main techniques and ideas involved in their proofs.

Either 3 or 4 mini-courses will take place during each week, and the topics covered by these courses will include the quasi-isometric rigidity of modular groups, of Teichmüller spaces and of symmetric spaces, the quasi-isometric classification of 3-manifold groups, coarse differentiation and the quasi-isometric rigidity of solvable Lie groups.

This school will take place at IMT (Toulouse) from June 26 until July 14 2017 and is organized by Javier Aramayona, Peter Haissinsky and Cyril Lecuire. The deadline for registration is May 14.

First week, June 26-June 30

Four mini-courses will be provided by:

  • Misha Kapovich
  • Urs Lang
  • Howard Masur
  • Yair Minsky

Second Week, July 3- July 7

Three mini-courses will be provided by:

  • Tullia Dymarz
  • Walter Neumann
  • Kevin Whyte

Third week, July 10-14

Three mini-courses will be provided by:

  • Uri Bader
  • Marc Bourdon
  • Jingyin Huang


List of participants

Contact the organizers.
