Thematic School on Quantum Topology and Geometry

The school will begin on may the 9th and end on may the 13th 2017 at IMT, Toulouse.
Four mini courses will be provided by:

Furthermore during the School one 1 hour "Colloquium" talk will be provided by Dylan Thurston (Bloomington) at IMT.

The deadline for inscriptions is March the 15th 2017.


Organizers: Francesco Costantino and Thomas Fiedler

Preliminary Schedule

  Tue May 9th 2017 Wed May 10th 2017 Thu May 11th 2017 Fri May 12nd 2017 Sat May 13th 2017
From 9h30 AM to 10h30   Borot Le Marché Kashaev
Coffee break 10:30 AM Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee
From 11 AM to 12 AM Marché Le Borot Kashaev Le
Lunch 13h00-14h00 AM          
From 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM Borot Marché Kashaev Thurston  
From 3 to 3h30 PM Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee  
Until 04:30 PM Kashaev Borot Marché Le  


Abstracts of the courses

Lectures on Teichmüller TQFT (by Rinat Kashaev)
Teichmüller TQFT is a combinatorial model of a three-dimensional TQFT of infinite type where the underlying vector spaces associated with surfaces are infinite dimensional. It is expected to be part of exact quantum Chern-Simons theory with non-compact gauge groups PSL(2,R) and PSL(2,C). There exist two versions of the Teichmüller TQFT called « old » and « new » formulations which are not equivalent in general but coincide when restricted to integer homology spheres.

Quantum representations of surface groups (by Julien Marché)

In this mini-course we will construct a family of finite dimensional and (pseudo-)unitary representations of surface groups with the following (strange) properties.
They are invariant (up to conjugation) by automorphisms, simple curves have finite order, they are asymptotically faithful.
We will study various (other) aspects of these representations. [following work of Koberda-Santharoubane and M-Santharoubane]

The skein algebra of surfaces (by Thang Le)

We present the theory of skein algebra of surfaces. In particular, we will discuss relations between skein algebras and character varieties and quantum Teichmuller spaces, and the structure and representations of skein algebras at a root of 1.

Topological Recursion and Geometry (by Gaetan Borot)

Here is a preliminary schedule for the mini-course :

  1. Topological recursion : introduction (algebraic aspects)
  2. Hyperbolic geometry : Weil-Petersson volumes of the moduli space of complex curve, after Mirzakhani.
  3. Cohomological field theories and topological recursion
  4. Rational conformal field theories and topological recursion


Nezhla Aghaei
Vera Anderson
Cristina Ana-Maria Anghel
Dror Bar Natan
Serban Belinski
Giulio Belletti
Raphaël Belliard
Léo Bénard
Gaetan Borot
Giulio Calimici
Carlo Collari
Marco De Renzi
Daniel Douglas
Travis Ens
Matthieu Faitg
Thomas Fiedler
Nathan Geer
Barbara Giunti
Pablo Gonzalez Pagotto
Kazuo Habiro
Jean-Marc Hok
Rinat Kashaev
Thang Le
Cyril Lecuire
Christine Lescop
david leturcq
Daniel Lopez
Alessandro Malusà
Julien Marché
Jules Martel
Gregor Masbaum
Gwenael Massuyeau
Delphine Moussard
Dmitry Noshchenko
Jinsung Park
Michal Pawelkiewicz
Jean Raimbault
abdoul karim Sane
Ramanujan Santharoubane
Adam Sikora
Kursat Sozer
Gilberto Spano
Dylan Thurston
Vladimir Turaev
Huan Vo
Tian Yang

(Photo by Patrick Dumas)





