Annual meeting of the AFHP research group
Website of the GdR AFHP:
10–12 October 2016
- Several talks and conferences delivered by invited speakers
- Mini-course by John E. McCarthy (oct. 12–14): Non-commutative function theory and its applications to operator theory. Download lecture summary.
- Mini-course by Alexei Poltoratski (oct. 12–14): Toeplitz Order in the Area of Uncertainty. Download lecture summary.
Here is the program of the AFHP meeting and the program of the mini-courses sessions with the list of abstracts.
Invited speakers
- Florent Baudier
- Frédéric Bernicot
- Emmanuel Breuillard
- Joseph Lehec
- John E. McCarthy
- Eugenia Malinnikova
- Alexei Poltoratski
- Xavier Tolsa
- Said Amana Abdillah
- Eric Amar
- Cédric Arhancet
- Franck Barthe
- Serban Belinschi
- Hélène Bommier
- Raphaël Bouyrie
- Irène Casseli
- Benjamin Célariès
- Fadil Chabbabi
- Stéphane Charpentier
- Clément Coine
- Kamilia Dahmani
- Van Duong Dinh
- Komla Domelevo
- Romuald Ernst
- Sylvain Ervedoza
- Jean Esterle
- Tonie Fares
- Aingeru Fernandez Bertolin
- Vincent Feuvrier
- Omer Friedland
- Loïc Gaillard
- Philippe Jaming
- Karim Kellay
- Hubert Klaja
- Lukasz Kosinski
- Christoph Kriegler
- Stanislas Kupin
- Cécilia Lancien
- Gilles Lancien
- Florence Lancien
- Khalid Latrach
- Florian Le Manach
- Pascal Lefèvre
- Daniel Li
- Greta Marino
- Xavier Massaneda
- Quentin Menet
- Monia Mestiri
- Felipe Negreira
- Van Hoang Nguyen
- Shahaf Nitzan
- Stefanie Petermichl
- Motke Porat
- Yanqi Qiu
- Hervé Queffélec
- Séverine Rigot
- Rishika Rupam
- Daniel Seco
- Odí Soler i Gibert
- Elizabeth Strouse
- Oleg Szehr
- Pascal Thomas
- Maria Trybula
- Florian Vasilescu
- Ignacio Vergara
- Pawel Wolff
- Pierre Youssef
- Rachid Zarouf
- Mohamed Zarrabi
Requests for funding and registration for meals and accomodation are now closed. People who did not register for the conference are still welcome to attend the talks and minicourses.
Franck Barthe, Serban Belinschi, Vincent Feuvrier, Stefanie Petermichl, Pascal Thomas, Yangqi Qiu