Toulouse Symposium on Deep Learning


Toulouse Symposium on Deep Learning

October 18-19, 2018, ENSEEIHT, Toulouse


This symposium aims at establishing an international forum of reference for the latest advances in the field of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). This first edition aims at joining both academy and industry by covering not only basic and applied research, but also the latest technologies in this field.

Invited speakers from the industry (Facebook Research, Google DeepMind, NVIDIA) and from academia will share their insights on Deep Learning. 

The symposium will be hosted at ENSEEIHT, downtown Toulouse. The first day will be dedicated to invited talks, and will include opportunities for exchanges and discussions at a poster session. The second day will consist in workshops in the morning, and a hands-on session on the afternoon (limited to 30 attendees). If you are interested in attending this second day, please send a motivated email to

More information can be found on the symposium's website.


Registration is free but mandatory.

Les inscriptions sont closes.

